About Us

Obala is Congolese for ‘connecting power’. This power is an energy you could call ‘gravity’ but it could also be called ‘love’. These two powers are both forces that keep things together. In our world everything is connected and kept together because of these energies. “Nick and the Blue ones” shows us we are all brothers and sisters and we have so much in common, even though we might think otherwise at first. Team Obala.world would like to link kids from all over the world and open their minds to endless possibilities. That is why this website is called: Obala.world.


Our Mission

Do you believe other children should be able to read this story as well? Children who have no access to libraries or who cannot buy any books themselves? Please help us so we can make “Nick and the Blue ones” accessible for everyone!

Our challenge: help us translate “Nick and the Blue ones” into as many languages as possible so children all over the world can read this book. Do you like others to read this story in your mother tongue? Please translate it and e-mail it in a pdf file to: ellen@obala.world We will check it and post it on this website. Thank you on behalf of team Obala.

Our Team


Ellen Obala | Author

My dream is to unite the children of earth and to inspire them to take care of the earth and its biodiversity and think beyond and wonder about the universe and its endless possibilities. In my book “Nick and the Blue ones” I address environmental issues and promote tolerance and respect for other cultures and mindsets.
I wish for a better world in which people are not afraid of each other, but like to work together, help each other, have fun together, and have amazing discoveries just because of their differences. I thank all those who helped me making my dream come true: My husband Malout and family, my friends Francoise, Carlina, Carol, Alice, Cristina, Aimee, Margot, and of course my co-creators: Leo, Chloe, and Rick. I wish you lots of fun reading “Nick and the Blue ones”. I hope to inspire you and maybe you can inspire me?"


Leo Vijendran | Illustrator

My dream is to become an architect so that I can keep drawing in the years to come. I have always loved to draw buildings and plan imaginary cities. Making these illustrations for an imaginary world was a new experience for me and helped me to realize I want to become an architect.


Chloé Grenouilleau | French Translator

Chloé Grenouilleau translated “Nick and the Blue ones” into French: “Nick et les Bleus” Hey everyone! I’m Chloé. I’m French but have lived in The Netherlands most of my life. At the time of writing this, I’m starting university in Maastricht, Netherlands. I love sports, reading and travelling. Languages are also a big passion of mine, which is why translating “Nick and the Blue Ones” from English into French was so fun. My dream would be to learn more languages like Mandarin or Russian to be able to communicate with even more people, to travel to beautiful places around the world, and eventually, to have a family of my own.


Rick Baller | Website

My dream is to have my own IT business. I am driven to learn everything every day. I want to design, build and deploy the systems of tomorrow. That's what guides me every day.